Maternal body mass index and neonatal outcomes in women with endometriosis

Maternal body mass index and neonatal outcomes in women with endometriosis By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis is defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal-like tissue outside the uterine cavity. Its prevalence is 10-15% in the general population of this age. However, endometriosis is diagnosed more frequently in infertile women with a prevalence of…

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Endometriosis can Adversely Affect Oocyte Quality

Endometriosis can Adversely Affect Oocyte Quality By Kasthuri Nair

Kasapoglu et al. recently published a study in Gynecological Endocrinology titled “Detrimental effects of endometriosis on oocyte morphology in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles: a retrospective cohort study.” In this paper, they compared the oocytes recovered from women who have endometriosis…

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